fitness challenge was a bust

the fitness challenge that I was doing was a bust. I did good for about a week and half but then people started calling or texting me and it seemed like everytime I got on the treadmill this would happen so I just stopped working out. But I am going to try to start it back up next month (starting tomorrow) and I am not going to carry my phone with me to the basement and I hope I can get this challenge done with. Lets hope and pray that I can.

My birthday was yesterday

My birthday was yesterday and I turned 37 years old.  I am not one of those type of people that will give you a false age. I am 37 years old and I am not afraid to emit. Yes, I have grey hairs and yes I will dye them out. but I am scared to get older as we all do it. No use into trying to hide it. I have been told that I do not look like I am 37 but that I look younger. Hey dont know if that is true or not but what ever.

There are things I wish that I had done before I was 37 years old (mostly lose the weight I need to lol ) but I am not to worry about it. As I am happy, healthy (healthy as I can be, I probably could be healthier), and I am loved. I am loved by my family and friends and that is all that matters to me.

I would like to make some goals and try to get them done before I am 38 years old. So lets see


  1. Lose about 80Lbs ( or at least half of it or even a a quarter of it would be okay also. as long as I do it in a healthy way)
  2. Become more healthier
  3. Get a job (whether it be a at home job or out of home job)
  4.  Finish at least one of the books I have been writing on
  5. Keep a spotless house (I use to do clean every day but have gotten lazy with it some. Dont get me wrong it is not bad but could be better)
  6. Become better at saving money
  7. Try to spend more time with family

I hope I will be able to get these goals done by the time I am 38 years old. I do have like 364 days left to get them done lol.

fitness challenge update

It has been about a week since I started the fitness challenge and I will tell you this it has been a struggle. I did skip one day though and that was yesterday. I just needed that rest day. Even though it has been a struggle it has been going pretty good to. I was thinking that today was the day I would go from 30 minutes to 40 minutes but I got to looking on my calendar that I made myself and it was just 30minutes. Tomorrow will be 40 minutes. I do not know if I will be able to do the 40 minutes but I am going try my hardest to do the 40 minutes.  I have 7 days down and only 23 days left to go. I really hope I can get through the next 23 days but we will see.